In Wolfpack Collectibles we offer you our ideas converted into collections of Busts and figures, painted and unpainted. In them you can find a part of us. Our experience in the fields of concept, sculpture, printing, casting... they make us give our best when we unite in each project, adding and working as a team.
Wolfpack Collectibles is not born by chance, it is the result of a search.
Artists tend to work alone, looking for stories to tell, ideas to explore, feelings to express. That loneliness sometimes makes us strong and sometimes it doesn't. Wolfpack Collectibles is that place where artists can meet, create, share our stories and grow together. Here everyone brings their experience and their vision; and here it has a place from the Alpha to the Omega, everyone has their place in the pack. Although everyone has their personal projects, these wolves, and those who will come, will create something special here. Because the strength of the pack is in the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack.
We thank you for your love and trust and invite you to feel part of Wolfpack Collectibles.

Eduardo Velayos Ortega is etraditional and digital scultor, model maker and prop maker. His works cover a wide spectrum, from character design and fictional construction to 3d modeling and character casting..

Ariel Mora Remis is a sculptor with a great mastery of traditional and digital sculpture. He currently combines works in the film sector, the collecionable figure industry and nativity scene sculpture.

David Benzal His extensive career as a Concept Artist covers concepts for cinema, video games, comics...His constant artistic and professional evolution have made him one of the references in his field.

Martin Lico Lorente is Freelance Graphic and Advertising Designer, Currently combines his commercial photography projects with different types of works for print media nationwide, web design and 3D virtualization.

Mario Molero is a professional 3D printer with extensive experience in both additive manufacturing and post-processing and finishing of mold models. Currently focused on the world of miniature, it complements its service with assistance and technical support for the correct printing of 3D models

Eduardo Velayos Ortega is etraditional and digital scultor, model maker and prop maker. His works cover a wide spectrum, from character design and fictional construction to 3d modeling and character casting..

Ariel Mora Remis is a sculptor with a great mastery of traditional and digital sculpture. He currently combines works in the film sector, the collecionable figure industry and nativity scene sculpture.

David Benzal His extensive career as a Concept Artist covers concepts for cinema, video games, comics...His constant artistic and professional evolution have made him one of the references in his field.

Martin Lico Lorente is Freelance Graphic and Advertising Designer, Currently combines his commercial photography projects with different types of works for print media nationwide, web design and 3D virtualization.

Mario Molero is a professional 3D printer with extensive experience in both additive manufacturing and post-processing and finishing of models for mold of printed models. Currently focused on the world of miniature, it complements its service with assistance and technical support for the correct printing of 3D models